Blackened Skull

There is no gene for the human spirit

Posts Tagged ‘IOS

WP7 was a bad experience

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I should never have swapped my iPhone experience for the weak OS that is WP7. But from my mistake there is a little silver Android lining and without trying different mobile OS I could never be sure if I was limiting my mobile experience.

The only mobile OS I have yet to try is Google’s Android OS. It’d be easy for me to return to iOS and the iPhone 5 but I’m looking for more than the rigid perfectionism that Apple have devised. So after a brief hands-on in a mobile phone store today(with a Samsung Galaxy S3) and reading this excellent piece on using the Android OS for 29 days my head was turned.

WP7 was frustration after frustration, once I saw past the live-tile interface. Little things like not being able to highlight and copy easily, very little chance to customise the OS to my liking, poor options and non-existent settings didn’t help when the best Twitter app, Carbon, decided on the 23rd Sept that they had enough of the WP OS. It left me with an app that I relied on heavily to suddenly stop working and leave too much of a bad taste in my mouth. It also didn’t help matters when I discovered the new home for Carbon would be the Android OS!

Tomorrow is the 26th Sept and it’s my birthday. Kinda handy that…

Written by David Osbon

September 25, 2012 at 11:22 pm

Posted in Mobile OS

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