Blackened Skull

There is no gene for the human spirit

Better to write than fight?

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So we can all rest easier at night now that we know the magic formula to being a writer but does having a mental health condition make you a better writer? I know from my own past experiences that the last thing I ever wanted to do while entertaining the black dog was to put pen to paper. You may have a different experience and maybe I should try writing more when in a darker mood.

Something to consider at least.

While I’m again on the topic of writing, I’ve just stolen an idea from a fellow blogger, Clown on Fire. Like him and many, many other writers he keeps a notebook that gets filled with just about everything, including ideas for blog posts. He’s also shared a picture of his own notebook and encouraged others to do the same.

My current notebook can be viewed below. I use a Moleskine weekly notebook that runs for 18 months. The left-hand pages are the current week while the right-hand is a lined page that allows for notes. I tend to keep to my words separate; one side for events and planning the other for the ethereal musings of my mind. The below right-hand page has the beginnings of an idea for a post on time-travel and the initial plan for this blog.

Do you keep a notebook and if so how’s it shaping up?

Written by David Osbon

October 17, 2012 at 12:23 am

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