Blackened Skull

There is no gene for the human spirit

Posts Tagged ‘Looper

Birthday time-travel

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If I could time-travel but I couldn’t influence the past then I’d like to revisit all my previous birthdays, in chronological order. Many birthdays I can no longer remember while others are just shadow memories.

I’d love to see my reaction to each birthday and how that has changed over the decades. Years 1-18 would be fascinating to watch.

Reaching 42 and in the process answering the meaning of life I appreciate the gifts I get now much more than I did as a child. But then as an adult, receiving presents is naturally a far less forthcoming activity. This years haul has been rather excellent:

Books; A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen and Champions League Dreams by Rafa Benitez. As you will know doubt know – unless you are a very new reader – my completion rate for books is very poor. I was surprised to receive two books when the best I can do recently is complete a graphic novel or two.

Videogames; Sleeping Dogs on 360 format. The only game that I had on my list.

Music; Prometheus OST. I’m a lapsed Muse fan and have yet to get over their appearance at this years Olympics, so no 2nd Law for me just now.

Movies; Avengers Assemble. Here in the UK we have been short-changed with a weak Blu-ray/DVD release; very few extras and no audio commentary. Happy enough to be able to watch this for a second time, mind.

Not to shabby, eh?

While on the subject of time-travel, I had hoped to round-off my birthday celebrations with a viewing of Looper – hasn’t happened yet. The last time-travel movie that Bruce Willis excelled in was Twelve Monkeys back in 1995. Which do you consider to be your favourite of the two movies?